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Let us know you are moving in

If you are moving into a property billed by us, please fill in the below form so we can open your account.

If you require urgent help or have no supply, please call our customer service team by finding your dedicated scheme-number on the 'Your home' page.

Please note that all change of tenancies can take 5-21 working days to process. This is in line with the regulated market delivery timescales. All personal information will also be handled in line with our privacy notice and GDPR.

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Moving in

in kWh. 

If your meter reading is displayed in megawatt-hour (MWh), please times this by 1000 to convert it into kWh (e.g., 0.123MWh = 123kWh).

If you're a leaseholder, this is the date of sale. If you're the tenant, this is the tenancy start date.

*Mandatory field. We need this information so our team can better help you; please find our privacy notice here.

Insite Energy is registered by the FCA for anti-money laundering.